Space Medicine (2012) Julia Tcharfas, Wight Building, [Space} Gallery, London, UK
Space Medicine was a screening and lecture project staged during the course of the Permacultures Residency with [Space] Gallery in London and displayed at the inaugural launch of the Wight Building.
Drawing on narratives sourced from our collective scientific and technological folklore, the piece specifically engages with a constellation of experiments that have involved spatial enclosures. It encompasses tales of artificial environments, confinement modules, space colonies, alternative communes, experiments in life, diet and theater, all of which link together through their shared embrace of a speculative future, in which we might need to learn how to live on a space base, for instance. The program brought together a screen of the Soviet Space Medicine Interviews, 1989 from the Oral History Collection of the Smithsonian Institution (translated by Tcharfas) together with a lecture by Kathelin Gray, the theater Director of the Theater of All Possibilities (TAP), who trained the Biosphere 2 candidates for their missions.